As I forked the first meatball and lifted it up to my mouth, I noticed a thick, curly gray hair dangling from the meatball. Sadly, my meatball moment was ruined. Now I’m sure that I just got unlucky and that there weren’t any other hairs, but hair in my food is something that I am repulsed by. Not only would I not be able to eat that meatball, but I probably wouldn’t be able to enjoy any of the other food on my plate. So I was left pondering…exactly how many hairs does the average person consume without seeing/knowing?
To answer this question, I got online and searched the all-knowing Google. Unfortunately, I did not find anything (if you do…please inform me, I’m curious). I did, however, find an article that is even more disturbing.
Did you know that bread products contain human hair? Well, not exactly…let’s rip out a person’s hair and mix it in the dough. But there is a protein called L-Cysteine that is found in human hair…that is put in bread…eck and ugh.
All I have to say is…thank God I don’t eat bread anymore (thanks South Beach Diet).