Saturday, January 17, 2009

Getting back to normal.

I'm just realizing that it's been far too long since I've told the world what's new in my life...

I've been back at school for about a week and a half so far; unfortunately my break came to a fast and bittersweet end. I was pretty "under the weather" mood-wise due to finding out that I have PCOS (a fairly serious health problem that will be with me for the rest of my life) and also from losing my cat. And it didn't really help that I was home alone for the last week of my break and then alone at my apartment at school for almost 4 days. But now that I'm back with my friends (who I've missed like crazy), back to a schedule and starting a new healthy lifestyle to better my health, things are looking up!

My classes this semester seem like they are going to be very interesting:
-Rock & Roll from the 1950's on
-HRIM Finance
-HRIM Marketing
-Advanced Hotel Management with computer simulations
-Intro to Psychology
-HRIM Human Resources
Also, now that I have a better work schedule and I'm not pledging, I will actually have time to study and learn!

The diet that I have to follow to control and potentially reverse my PCOS is pretty strict. I have to stay away from sugar and processed foods and it's important to eat little to no gluten. That means no bread or pasta for the most part. Brown rice and oats are is the occasional piece of high fiber whole grain bread. I've been doing okay, eating a lot of veggies, chicken, tuna, etc. But I think I'll get sick of these things soon. So if anybody has any good snack ideas or recipes...fill me in!

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